Commercial Law
Commercial Law - Article per Article Commentary, Nomos, 2nd edition 2025. The highly acclaimed commentary established by Peter Mankowski makes [...]
Commercial Law - Article per Article Commentary, Nomos, 2nd edition 2025. The highly acclaimed commentary established by Peter Mankowski makes [...]
The European Insolvency Regulation and Implementing Legislations - A Commentary, Elgar 2024. This authoritative Commentary provides an in-depth evaluation of [...]
The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration - A Commentary, Elgar, 2022. This Commentary provides rich and detailed analysis [...]
Conflict of Laws – A Comparative Approach Elgar, 2nd ed. 2022. Now in its second edition, and with significant updates and [...]
L’ordonnance européenne de saisie conservatoire des comptes bancaires. Commentaire du règlement UE n° 655/2014 Belgique, France, Luxembourg, Legitech, 2021. Le [...]
Droit international privé luxembourgeois, Legitech, 2nd ed 2024 Volume 1: Conflit de lois Théorie générale, Obligations, biens, sociétés L’ouvrage présente [...]
Le fondement de l’effet des jugements étrangers, The Pocket Books of The Hague Academy of International Law / Les livres [...]
Droit européen de l'insolvabilité - Règlement (UE) 2015/848 du 20 mai 2015 relatif aux procédures d'insolvabilité, LGDJ, 2017. Les procédures [...]
Code de droit international privé luxembourgeois Larcier, 4ème éd. 2021. Le code de droit international privé reprend les principales règles de [...]
Rethinking International Commercial Arbitration - Towards Default Arbitration, Edward Elgar, 2017. This innovative book proposes a fundamental rethink of [...]